AmstarFX American Staffordshire Terriers



Aust Ch ZForce StarFX  

My little star, Effie is a gorgeous red and white bitch who has exceeded our expectations. Not only is she our best mate but this little bitch can do anything. She is very intelligent and has been used in a working environment with other dogs. She picks up on things very easily and looks at you strange if your not keeping up with her.  

Effie is the result of a Grandmother/Grandson mating bred by myself, under the ZForce prefix. Effie has excellent breed type and throws this into her offspring. She is full litter sister to Multi BISS RUBISS ZForce Bigtime Charlie

In April 2009 at the NSW American Staffordshire Terrier Speciality Show, Effie won her Open Bitch class and went on to be awarded Reserve Challenge. Effie was also awarded Best Gait out of a very impressive line up, 2nd Best Bodied Bitch and Best Dam and Offspring with the gorgeous up and coming Echo - Fibra Echos Of Buba. Effie has been a fantastic producer and we look forward to an exciting mating towards the end of the year.  


Effie's Health Results :

  • Ataxia Clear,
  • Hips - 4/5,
  • Elbows - 0/0,
  • Eye Tested Clear,
  • DNA profiled

DOB - 02/05/2006


Effie's Pedigree

Linebreeding - 5 Generations

3 - 1 AUST CH Tangogold Chief Maka

5,5 - 4 CH Grimloc's Woodys Gone Rudy

5 - 5,5 MBISS INTL CH Willynwood Redneck


 Effie is Dam to

BISS Fibra Echos Of Buba

BISS Fibra Potserelli  

                                                                    Aust Ch AmstarFX Trixi Firecraka                                                                    

Aust Ch AmstarFX Heidi Ho E.T

Aust Ch AmstarFX Tinkerbell



Reserve Challenge Bitch April 2009 NSW Amstaff Speciality Show  - Judge Mrs Betty Michl (Michl R Kennels - USA)

Open Bitch, Best Gait, 2nd Best Bodied Bitch, Best Dam & Offspring

Multiple Best Of Breed Winner 

Minor Puppy in Group Winner

Multiple Junior In Group Winner

Multiple Intermediate In Group Winner

Multiple Australian Bred In Group Winner

Reserve Bitch Challenge Winner at the Launceston Show Oct 07

Challenge Bitch and Best Of Breed winner at the Longford Show Oct 07

Dam to 2 Best In Specialities Winners


Aust Ch ZForce StarFX Aust Ch ZForce StarFX and her daughter Aust Ch AmstarFX Trixi Firecraka


3 Generation Pedigree



Great Grandparents

AUST CH LaExotica Latino Heat DNA

AUST CH Grimloc Aces High V Stafface (IMP USA)

AM CH Grimloc's Ready-N-Able (USA)

AM CH Grimloc's Buzz-N-Ruth-E (USA)

Zforce Tomb Raidar

AUST CH Bellamon Smooth Criminal

AUST CH Tangogold Cheif Maka

AUST CH Tangogold Cheif Maka 

AUST CH Yanegua All Tanked Up (AI)

AM CH Sierra-Gaff Titanium Tank

AUST CH Bluesteel Almost N Angel

Lyntiki Midnite Madness

Lyntiki Broston Brawler

Triskara Mea Kua Ake (IMP NZL)